E+DAY February 2020 – Teaching to Give


Teaching is life right now as our baby girl is learning everything. It’s so fun to watch her face light up when things finally “click.” She’s beaming with pride because she finally figured out how to do something.

It feels like we often correlate learning and teaching as something that’s done at a young age. The more I thought about it, we all have things we can learn or teach, no matter our age.

Take giving for example. Were you ever taught about giving? The value of it, what it looks like and the benefits it provides? Has the lesson of giving ever “clicked” for you?

Maybe your answer is no. The good news is that it’s never too early or too late to learn about it! Even better, giving doesn’t require going to school or getting a degree for it. The lesson of giving is all around.

Giving means to share or be generous. It’s a form of encouragement and comes in all shapes and sizes. We often hear of giving with our time, talents and treasures but what about the other resources we have? Ponder that for a second. We all have different ways of giving based upon the gifts God has given us. What does that look like for you?

Here are some ideas to get the creative juices flowing:

  • Ears: Listen. Give them your full attention to truly hear what they are sharing.
  • Time: Make a phone call, send a text, schedule a time to meet up.
  • Words: Generously share words of encouragement, value, support, and hope.
  • Prayer: When you tell someone you’re going to pray for them, do it right away!
  • Heart: Be empathetic about their difficult situation or have a dance party because they have exciting news to share.

I find that once giving takes form, my heart lights up, knowing my generosity has the potential to positively impact someone’s life. Something inside clicks and I can’t wait for the next opportunity to give.

When you teach others about giving, try including WHAT reasons you give and WHY it’s important to you. When you share this, giving moves from something we just do to something we are. Encourage them to find their own reasons.

Your example of giving, teaches others. So, share the lesson of giving with your friends, kids, spouse, parents or  co-workers. Maybe this lesson is for you. Remember, giving comes in various forms, meaning the options are limitless! We’re all teachers when it comes to the school of giving.

Looking for more ways to give?

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Please share with someone you know who could use some encouragement in the wait.

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